Victoria’s Vintagerie

Victoria’s Vintagerie is where beautiful handmade, delicate crocheted doilies are re-imagined. Ladies in times past created each one with skill and countless hours to enhance their homes. My collection of these delicate works of art are now fashioned into bowls.

Beautifully hand colored, reshaped doilies are embellished with satin ribbons inter-woven by hand, taking countless hours to embellish each artifact. My collection of vintage silk flowers, some hand dyed and enhanced are carefully added to each bowl to completion.

Victoria’s Vintagerie bowls reminds us of our past and brings new appreciation of arts long forgotten.. These treasures make wonderful gifts or just a token of times past to enjoy.

Vintage doilies repurposed

Handmade crochet doilies, some tinted and shaped into bowls, embellished with hand dyed silk flowers and satin ribbon woven into the design

Wedding baskets

Doily corsages with hand dyed silk pedals.

Corsages of ombre ribbon

These flowers begin with ombre ribbon cut into sections and pedals cut and candle formed. Then wrapped around and silk pedals intermingled. Finally finished with my torch glass stamens on copper wire. The back is a pin with gold brush and felt pad.

Commission corsage

A friend gave me 12” by 2” ombre( multi color) ribbon. She had gotten it on a gift. I took the ribbon and fashioned a rose adding silk pedals and added more ombre ribbon (1”) of mine to the center. The center is my glass torch stamen of yellow and orange dots. Finished with a gold brushed pin backing. Measures about 8 inches across. It is more vivid than pictured.

Hanging doily flowers

I had some smaller doilies that could not be made into baskets. So I flattened them and added some smaller doilies or remnants and silk flowers to make floral hanging flowers for Christmas trees or personalize the back for a gift each has a wood backing in soft burnished gold.

Hanging floral ornaments for home decor or Christmas tree